Business (For-Profit) Corporation
A corporation (also called "company") is a legal entity that has its own legal personality which is distinct from its owners (called shareholders) and the individuals who manage and run its affairs and business (called directors and officers). These corporations are formed to make a profit and to distribute the profit to its shareholders. Business corporations are regulated by either federal or provincial laws. Every business corporation is comprised of shareholders, directors and officers. Shareholders, as the name implies, are the ones who hold (i.e., own) the shares in the corporation. By reason of the votes that are usually attached to the shares, the shareholders control the corporation. If there is only one shareholder, that person has absolute control of the corporation. If the corporation has numerous shareholders, control of the corporation depends on who has a majority of the voting shares. For more information on business incorporations, click here. |
Non-Profit Corporation
A non-profit corporation is a legal entity separate from its members and directors formed for purposes other than generating a profit to be distributed to its members, directors or officers as dividends. While, a non-profit corporation can earn a profit, the profit must be used to further the goals of the corporation rather than to pay dividends to its membership. Non-profit corporations are formed pursuant to federal or provincial law. A non-profit corporation can be a church or church association, school, charity, activity clubs, volunteer services organization, professional association, research institute, museum, or in some cases a sports association. Non-profit corporations must apply for charitable status to benefit from tax-exempt status and be able to issue tax deductible receipts to donors. For more information on non-profit corporations, click here. |
Professional Corporation
A Professional corporation is a corporation where a member of a professional order or body allows its members to practice through a corporation as opposed to a sole proprietorship or partnership. Each professional governing body may have its own set of rules requiring certain formalities to be respected. It is suggested that you contact your governing body before you proceed with the incorporation of a professional corporation. For more information on professional corporations, click here. |