Corporate Name Search Reports

In order for you to register or incorporate your business, a corporate name search report is required by the Federal and the provincial governments. These reports are used to determine the availability of a corporate/business name by searching the relevant databases or registries listing any similar or possibly confusing existing corporation names, business names and trademarks. In other words, you need to make sure that no one else has already registered the corporate or business name, or trademark you would like to use for your business.

In Canada, there are 2 different kinds of reports: a NUANS* biased report; and a provincial name report. The NUANS database provides name search reports for the following jurisdictions: Canada (Federal); Ontario; Alberta; New Brunswick; Nova Scotia; and Prince Edward Island. For more information about NUANS, click here. For all the other provinces (B.C., Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Newfoundland & Labrador), they each require a name search report from their respective provincial database and registry and NOT from the NUANS database. offers you the ability to obtain corporate name search reports for all jurisdictions in Canada. Please note the respective time-frame when making your decision.

Jurisdiction Type of Report Cost Delivery
Federal NUANS $25 2 hours
Federal - expedited NUANS $35 10 minutes
Alberta NUANS $25 2 hours
British Columbia Provincial $60 48 hours
Manitoba Provincial $60 48 hours
Newfoundland Provincial $80 5 business days
New Brunswick NUANS $25 2 hours
Nova Scotia Provincial $70 5 business days
Ontario NUANS $25 2 hours
P.E.I. NUANS $25 2 hours
Quebec Provincial $75 5 business days
Saskatchewan Provincial $80 3 business days *

* Please be advised that the current government delay to obtain a name decision for Saskatchewan is approximately 15 business days. This delay is in addition to the processing times for incorporations and business name registrations.

  Order a Name Search Report
Select the Jurisdiction and type of Report:
Preliminary Name Search (Pre-Search) - $20
Name Report Review by Incorporation Specialist - $20
Industry Canada Name Decision Submission - $40

Enter the Name you want to Search and Reserve: 
Distinctive Element Descriptive Element Legal Element

French Equivalent: 

Business Activities:

Please confirm spelling and spacing is correct and there is no duplicate text prior to submitting your order. NUANS reports cannot be amended once submitted and are NON-REFUNDABLE due to disbursements incurred.

What Is NUANS®?

It is an advanced search system that searches corporate and business registries across Canada, with over 8,000,000 records of corporation names, business names and trademarks.

In order for you to register or incorporate your business, a "NUANS Report" is required by the Federal & most provincial governments. This NUANS Report is used to determine the availability of a corporate/business name by searching the NUANS database and listing any similar or possibly confusing existing corporation names, business names and trademarks. In other words, you need to make sure that no one else has already registered the corporate or business name, or trademark you would like to use for your business.

NUANS reports are valid for 90 days from their date of submission. There are different types of NUANS reports, geared towards different jurisdictions (i.e. provinces) or Canada. NUANS reports for incorporations must be for the relevant jurisdiction (Federal or desired province) and must be a "reservation" type report.

NUANS Pre-Searches

To avoid performing repeated NUANS reports (which can be expensive), a "pre-search" of the NUANS database is available. offers NUANS pre-searches. For more information on this NUANS pre-searches, please click here.

* NUANS is a registered trademark owned by Industry Canada. Hewlett Packard administers the NUANS system under a licensing agreement with Industry Canada.

** Subject to NUANS database availability, scheduled maintenance and service blackouts.